Sunday, April 10, 2011

Kiev (Part 2)

The next, and final destination, was Kiev, Ukraine.  I admit, the first night we got there I was pretty wigged because it’s a full fledged city with all the crazy that comes with that, but I quickly fell in love. We did so much there that I wouldn’t even know where to begin so I’ll just let the pictures do the talking and supplement where I can.

This is one of the important political points during the Orange Revolution a few years ago. It's also just a really popular square for shopping and entertainment. On the weekends they close down the streets leading to it so pedestrians can just walk around and enjoy the sights.

This is a monument in the same square as the giant clock.
St. Petersburg

(The monuments are so much alike...I guess there are only so many things you can do with a monument.)

This is called the Golden Gate. It was a bit of a letdown when I saw it was made of wood, but it was still very cool. It's the original entrance to Kiev where anyone who wanted to go in or out of the city had to pass through.

Saint Sophia's Cathedral, a well-known cathedral in Kiev.

Saint Sophia

St. Michael's Cathedral, another prominent cathedral in the city center.

St. Michael
A view of St. Sophia's from St. Michael's
A view of St. Michael's from St. Sophia's

A view of the city from behind St. Michael's
This was just a funny statue in a seemingly random place. Just a way to make the city a little prettier and cultured with some art. It reminds me of some of the efforts being made in Cody...
....yeah...similar, right?

This is St. Andrew's church. It was designed by the same architect who designed the Hermitage/Winter Palace in St. Petersburg, which is of course my favorite building in St. Petersburg. 

So, this was a very cute park near St. Andrew's. All of the equipment is covered mosaic-style with tiny colored tiles.  The story is that the government wanted to come in and use this piece of land for a new apartment building, but this particular spot has a really incredible view of the city, being perched on the top of a hill.  The neighbors protested because they wanted to continue to enjoy this view of the city, but the government would only stop the building if the land became of some value. The neighbors raised money and donated their own money to commission the building of this really unique park of tiles. This particular playground was based around Alice in Wonderland...loosely. You can see they took some artistic leniency with it, but it was really beautiful.

We had the chance to go to the newly dedicated Kiev temple.

My friend Allison Russian posing in front of some cupolas at Lavra. We literally were imitating exactly a pose we saw busted in all seriousness.
Lavra is a working monastery in Kiev and is a huge complex where monks live and worship. Women are required to wear a skirt that falls below their knees and keep their heads covered with a scarf or hat if they want to enter the grounds.
Me and "Big Mama".

This monument is called Big Mama and is the Statue of Liberty of Ukraine. This monument signifies Ukraine's freedom and contains one of the coolest museum's in the base of the statue which is focused around their participation in World War II.
This is another monument in the same square as Big Mama and it is freaking enormous. For some reason the one guy has no neck, it looks really awkward so we tried to imitate him.

I wanted to give you an idea of how massive this monument is, so I had my friend ninja her way down there to sit on it and compare. We discovered later that perhaps you are not supposed to get so close to it since it is usually surrounded by water.
A view of the Dnieper River from Big Mama's square.

More of the Dnieper. Please don't judge my appearance. After a week of staying in begin to look the way you smell.
Outside of the Opera House.

We were able to see Romeo and Juliet the ballet and Carmen the opera. Romeo and Juliet was awesome! However, we could only make it through 2/3 of Carmen. The opera was in French and the subtitles in Ukranian, there is only so much culture a girl from Wyoming can take in one night.

I am officially over half-way through my time here in Russia and cannot believe it. Depending on the day I cannot believe it has gone so fast, while other days I cannot believe I won’t be enjoying smoke-free-booze-free air for another two months. Luckily the former happens far more often than the latter.  On all days I miss my family and friends though, and I am really, really grateful for Skype, which ironically was invented in Tallinn. See why I loved that place so much! Hope everyone is well.


  1. The Cody buffalo . . . classic! I am going to laugh all day about that. I just went to Paul's graduation and referred Uncle Steve & Aunt Peggy to your blog. We all agreed you are hilarious. Keep it up. No pressure.

  2. have you found an Apple Store anywhere yet?
