Thursday, February 24, 2011

What a Wednesday...

We had liver for lunch….That was just the start of a series of unfortunate events this last Wednesday.  First of all, Wednesday’s are my longest day. I am either teaching, training, or traveling to teach from 10-8 on Wednesday. They are killer. However, this special day had some greater misfortunes than usual. On the more fortunate side, these events were happening all around me but not to me. 

To kick things off my friend Allison found out she was allergic to Kiwis. (Russia is probably not the place you want to find a new allergy.) This is the girl who is actually allergic to the cold; literally, she has been diagnosed with an allergy to the cold.  Sadly for her this week has been -20 Celsius every day. Things worked out OK with the Kiwi fiasco, but it was a pretty nasty experience for her. 

Additionally, all of the girls have been getting sick because my good friend Nicole, now christened Typhoid Mary, got sick from the “quarantine” kids and it has been spreading like crazy since.  Consequently, my teaching partner called in sick in the morning on Wednesday and managed to drag herself to school for the afternoon shift. You can imagine the interactions we were getting with the kids. They take every ounce of life out of you when you are full speed, so as you can imagine it was a bit of a rowdy day.  Then for the cherry on top of her awesome day, as we were suiting up for the Tundra, her boot zipper just broke right off. We were like sweet, now what are we doing to do? Thank heavens we were work with the nicest women in the world and we mimed what had happened, because they don’t speak any English, and our favorite, Olga (Uncle Dennis and Aunt Sharon, you will appreciate the irony of her name) just gave Kristen her own boot to wear home. It was really nice of her. So all is well that ends well, right?...

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